Material Rain

by Moshe Benarroch - 1995

It was raining and raining and raining and the
rain didn't stop, it rained
and rained, and the world
was wet, heavy and material
and I watched my line leading me
in this heavy rain
people were locked into themselves
as in our times
they possesed everything, but joy
they had all the matter in the world
but not love, they had
cars, machines, t.v.'s
computers, until they understood
they had nothing but
the knowledge of having nothing.

About the author: Moshe Benarroch was born in 1959 in Tetuan, the northernmost city of Morocco and of the whole Islamic world, in front of Gibraltar. In 1972 he emigrated with his parents to Israel. He has studied natural medicine. He has two published books: The Litany of the Immigrant (poetry) and The Coming Book (prose), along with numerous publications in Israeli literary magazines and in many online and printed magazines in English, French and Spanish. He is a lover of American singer-songwriters music and writes reviews for the online magazine Fame. He has a wife, Danielle, and three children.

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