Band Photos

The Mystic Brotherhood, 1989...

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Left to right:
Doug Manley - Lead and rhythm guitars
Henry Nicholls - Drums
J. Morales - Rhythm guitar and bass
Mack "the Genius" Reynolds - Lead vocals, harmonica, and most song lyrics

The Mystic Brotherhood, 2000...

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Additional Musicians

This reimagining of the original Mystic Brotherhood songs was possible only with the generous assistance of a number of talented people, including...

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Rich Nicholls

One of the few people we know who can actually carry a tune, though you have to get him pretty hammered before he'll attempt it.

Every night he prays that the gods of Karma will not strike him down for daring to take the place of the Genius.

Chuck Baker

A truly talented bass player and a darned nice guy to boot. Also given to writing funny songs about Henry and Rich. Shown here with his son, himself a budding songwriter.

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Jeff Oines

A cool, kinda jivy guy whose swinging rhythm & lead guitar work outclasses most of the songs he appears on.

Linda Montanari

The beautiful and talented diva of the piano, who condescended to contribute her concert-quality keyboard stylings to some of our songs.

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Michael Weiss

A multitalented prodigy from Baltimore, who lent us a more contemporary sound with some of his guitar work on the new CD. Basically the only surviving person on this page who hasn't totally sold himself out to the system. (Give him time, though.)

When he's not hanging with the MB's, his talents are devoted to video production.


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